Information for Fencers and Coaches

Entry and Roster Deadlines

Entry fees and preliminary rosters must be RECEIVED by the deadlines stated in the registration information.

The entry fee to this event is $250.00 per gender team. (So, $500.00 if you are entering both a men's team and a women's team.)

Coaching Timeouts

There are no coaching timeouts permitted in either the team or the individual portions of the competition.

Team Entry Requirements

Any NEIFC institution may enter at most one women's team and one men's team. Each gender team MUST have at least two fencers in each weapon, and must field all three weapons. (So six total individual fencer are required on the roster; no individual fencer may compete in two weapons at this event.) Teams not meeting this requirement will not be permitted to fence. (Understanding the tournament format may help you understand the motivation for this requirement.)

Rosters may include up to 9 total alternates (in addition to 3 starters) per gender team (any weapon).

While roster modifications may be made up to the day of the event, finalizing rosters earlier than the day of the tournament reduces errors and helps make the tournament run smoothly. Please do your part.

General Requirements and Athlete Eligibility Rules

For rules that apply to all NEIFC events for athlete eligibility, individual competitor equipment requirements, and team scoring equipment requirements, please click here.